HDR 1000 nits vs 400 nits - [H]ard|Forum
Apr 14, 2010 · 400nits is basically fake HDR, and it’s really just a marketing ploy by the monitor manufacturers to sell low end products with the “HDR” badge. AFAIK, 400nit monitors don’t come with FALD; they use standard edge LED, which makes them more or less no different than most other non-HDR monitors. They’re just a little brighter.
HDR and color management. HDR400 is still awesome?
Aug 29, 2010 · I have an Acer XV273K monitor HDR400 and I can say that on my monitor enabling HDR improves the general quality by a wide margin. HDR enables color management from the app and the color are improved by a wide margin. Why people still say that hdr400 is useless? Even HDR 100 can be useful if the monitor because you enter a color managed …
Expensive Wide Gamut HDR monitors and Oversaturation
Aug 29, 2010 · Gaming companies tend to neglect the need of sRGB color space in the HDR monitors because it's cheaper to make a monitor that way. They actually try to push the idea that wide gamut gamut is better than sRGB gamut display because it can display more colors... while it …
HDR games that use BT.2020 colors - [H]ard|Forum
Nov 9, 2006 · Inherently any HDR monitor should support BT.2020 color space as a container, because that's what HDR video is done in. The issue is how much of that it can actually render. The PG32UQX isn't bad in that regard, TFTCentral tested it as being 82% of BT.2020, or about 113% larger than DCI-P3.
Microsoft Confirms "Auto HDR" Feature in Windows 11 24H2 …
Dec 19, 2005 · That might be useful for anyone who is having issues with Auto-HDR. I compared Auto-HDR and RTX HDR and I thought that both were an improvement for non-HDR games. RTX HDR handled black levels a bit better while Auto-HDR leaned more toward making things brighter. RTX HDR will also increase your GPU usage, while Auto-HDR is essentially free.
HDR gaming: PC vs. consoles - [H]ard|Forum
Aug 25, 2010 · It hasn't been wonky since the 21H2 Windows 10 update. Windows 11 has none of those issues out of the box. You can just toggle the HDR option in display settings for every game now. If a game doesn't support HDR, then HDR will turn off automatically unless you turn Auto HDR on in Windows 11.
IPS monitors look terrible compared to an HDR television
Dec 1, 2000 · Everyone always raves about IPS monitors. After gaming on an HDR television my 144 Hz IPS monitor has lost its luster. The low contrast ratio, IPS glow, and less vibrant colors are readily apparent. It's too bad that the very few HDR G-Sync monitors are still priced so high.
Is HDR worth it? - [H]ard|Forum
Apr 28, 2021 · Sadly, HDR is mostly marketing BS. I mean, on a good system it looks nice, but like 90% of the monitors that claim HDR (usually HDR400) are crap. On one monitor I have, an Aorus 1080p, enabling HDR makes the colors faded out, crushed and wrong. It's like they didn't even test it because it's unusable. But with HDR off the monitor is still okay.
How do your eyes not hurt from HDR? - [H]ard|Forum
Mar 5, 2024 · Seems like the oldest HDR games just think that HDR = maximum brightness so they were just pumping up brightness to the point that your screen is now operating in torch mode. More HDR games that I played recently are proper where only what needs to be bright is actually bright (sun, lamps, fire, etc.) rather than just making the entire scene ...
Samsung Odyssey Neo G9 57" 7680x2160 super ultrawide (mini-LED)
Jan 2, 2023 · My gawd, the high sustained brightness and contrast on this monitor do make some HDR games look like another level! Even my C242 did not have this level glory at this point of the game. See the lighting from the flames on the snow, on this monitor this was almost glowing out of the screen whilst keeping high contrast all around it.