Friture is a real-time audio analyzer. It works on Windows, macOS and Linux. It is free and open source ...
Download Friture
Jul 22, 2024 · Windows. Get the latest Friture for Windows from the Microsoft Store: Alternatively, you can download the latest Friture installer for Windows:
Friture: Features
The 2D spectrogram widget displays audio data versus both frequency and time, in a rolling-against-time fashion. The time-frequency resolution of the display is fixed by the window length of the Fourier transform (as for the minimum response time of the spectrum widget). It is also limited by the resolution of your display in pixels.
Forum - Friture
Forum. A forum to discuss Friture questions and projects is hosted on Google Groups. Open forum
Friture: Contributing
Numpy and Scipy for digital processing on the audio data, Qt5 for the graphical user interface (using the PyQt5 Python bindings), Where performance is critical, some computing operations are specifically written in Cython , a programming language that provides C-extensions for Python.