Readers will be aware of how WCC set up an inquiry into allegations a Councillor had leaked information to the media about the proposed corporate welfare deal with Reading Cinemas. Many months later ...
Smith, who is a former director of Wellington Airport. He notes: The Officers’ paper, that vociferously argues to continue with the sales process, is a mixture of a well reasoned and economically ...
Erica Stanford (Education) 4.01/5 Simeon Brown (Transport) 3.89/5 Nicola Willis (Finance) 3.88/5 Chris Bishop (Infrastructure) 3.88/5 Judith Collins (Defence) 3.74/5 Christopher Luxon (Prime Minister) ...
Today as the one-year anniversary of October 7 approaches I decided to counterprotest this week’s pro-Hamas march down Queen Street. I thought my experiences were worth narrating. Today’s message I ...
The first anniversary of the October 7 attacks by Hamas against Israel is approaching, and not a day since has passed when the consequences and after-shocks of that terrible day have not been felt ...
The Taxpayers' Union is telling Hastings Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst to 'grow up' after she used her casting vote to give committee voting rights, and a salary, to members of the Hastings District Youth ...
New Zealand’s Defence Minister has all but resigned herself to losing a $100m Navy ship, which struck a reef, burned, then sank while the 75 on board made a daring escape in strong currents and waves ...
Matthew Hooton wrote in the NZ Herald last week that “There’s no doubt that both Māori and Pākehā in 1840 understood tino rangatiratanga to be a bigger deal than kāwanatanga”.1 However whilst this is ...
Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith authorised “every constable” in New Zealand to take Kim Dotcom into custody and detain him until he could be handed over to American officials, as part of ongoing ...
The usual suspects are up in arms because the Government diverted $30 million for teaching teachers te reo, to an initiative to teach students maths. This is the reality of government - you have to ...
Debbie Ngawera-Packer spent $39,000 in airfares in three months which is $3,000 a week. She lives in New Plymouth where return airfares from Wellington are around $400 a week. new retiring Labour MP ...
Waka-jumping laws are fundamentally undemocratic and wrong—except when a coalition agreement forces us to support them, after which we will vote for their repeal to affirm our opposition, but then ...