Zoho has updated Zoho Analytics to add artificial intelligence to the product and enables customers create custom machine-learning models using its new Data Science and Machine Learning (DSML) Studio.
Generative AI (genAI) applications thrive on relevant, accurate, and highly accessible data, but preparing that data can be complex, and it’s far from a ‘one-and-done’ process.
Unmonitored AI can amplify biases and create security risks. To mitigate this, align AI strategies with governance, ensure ...
Many organizations still avoid using AI for unstructured data, but now is the time to digitize, enrich, and protect these ...
Business leaders face skills gaps but see AI as a solution. AI can automate low-value tasks and empower employees to focus on ...
Diverse data from various sources, including paper records and structured and unstructured data, must be accessible and usable to fully realize AI potential.
Data fuels new generative AI initiatives, but organizations need a strategy in place to realize their business value ...
Technology leaders must use digital innovation to help enterprises avoid regulatory breaches and potentially expensive fines.
The emergence of generative AI is highlighting concerns about job safety within the IT space. Five IT leaders weigh in on ...
La Junta de Extremadura e IBM impulsan un asistente virtual basado en la plataforma de datos e IA generativa ‘watsonx’ para facilitar la consulta de información sobre subvenciones empresariales en la ...
La nueva herramienta, desarrollada en colaboración con el Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y la Función Pública, permite consultar los datos comunicados cada hora por la red nacional de vigil ...
As AI gets better at writing code, software development teams may shrink to a few senior positions, some IT leaders say.