The Black Mountain location of the North Carolina Glass Center had a soft opening in December 2024. Classes are set to start at the Black Mountain location March 20. The River Arts District location ...
The town of Black Mountain has received a $3 million DEQ loan and $705,000 state cash flow loan for Helene recovery. More ...
Montreat Town Manager Savannah Parrish said the town is estimating $12 million-$15 million in damages from Helene. The town has spent approximately $800,000 so far on recovery. Parrish said 82 ...
The guiding principle has remained the same: put a bunch of brilliant musicians in a room, ask them what tunes break their hearts or make them smile, and bask in the absolutely breathtaking result.
Born in the North Fork Valley, Lillian Exum Clement, became the first female legislator in the Southern United States.
Mellie Mac's Garden Shack owner has opened a new store, Purple Squirrel Boutique. The new shop will focus on environmentally conscious products. Purple Squirrel Boutique is located at 128 Cherry ...
Cheryl Hyde, new Black Mountain Swannanoa Chamber of Commerce executive director: “Tell me I can’t do something and watch what happens." ...
The Whitson Avenue bridge in Swannanoa reopened Feb. 26. The bridge serves as a connector between the two halves of Swannanoa. The Swannanoa Resilience Coordination Hub will set up on the lot of the ...
Steven Bingler said community engagement is essential for recovery from Tropical Storm Helene. Bingler provided lessons he learned from working on the Hurricane Katrina recovery process. A small area ...
With the annual retreat in May and festival in October, LEAF is celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2025. Founder Jennifer Pickering said after the “huge beast” that was Helene, there was an ...
Dutch Grown donated 10,000 flower bulbs to Grovemont Park. The bulbs were planted in the square across from the Swannanoa Library. The flowers are expected to bloom in April. Marco Rozenbroek said ...