“The blue tooth biscuits are just precious. She started as soon as she saw you and connected,” another added, while another ...
On Wednesday, March 26th, one Maine Coon breathed new life into the “scary and unbothered” theory, though. When his mom set ...
This sweet Goldendoodle that looks like a Muppet tries to whisper bark so he can be quiet!
Most of these theories hold water: dogs can see some shades of blue and yellow, which are heavily featured in the cartoon. They do like the quick movement and the high pitched noises; the theme song ...
When Mom captioned the post, “Don't hate the player, hate the game,” she nailed it. This senior Golden knows what he's doing ...
According to their caretaker, the Pit Bull is actually the one who always leads the choir, and the rest follow suit. Luckily ...
Another Dane fan confessed, “Okay, but in my defense, I swear they looked like bunnies till I zoomed in. Those paws!
Everyone is doing a double-take because this tiny Pekingese puppy is so fluffy and round that at first glance, you might ...
People in the comments love Barny's No Touchy reaction, and one person said, “Our Dark Lord is not pleased.” Another person ...
Bengal kittens are playful, energetic, and highly intelligent. They are also absolutely gorgeous, and the two kitties in the ...
More than half the cats (maybe 60%) have problems with the litter box after being declawed and start urinating in the house.
One thing about Brussels Griffons, these precious pups can have breathing issues due to their brachycephalic (short-nosed) ...