Specialist Alvarez, an Army medic, nodded in understanding, his hands already moving to assemble the necessary equipment, while Sergeant Ramirez, the walking blood bank, slung his rifle and rolled up ...
LCDR Angela “LJ” Lee piloted the 737 military jet in a wide arc across the vibrant blue waters of the South China Sea. The jet engines’ pitch increased with the angle of bank, the auto throttles ...
Small charges blew the lids off a hundred containers as one. Having barely flown free, a veritable cloud of objects emerged from the now open lids. They spread on every axis away from the ship even as ...
Below are the authors and stories that will feature during this edition of CIMSEC’s annual fiction week.
This week CIMSEC will be featuring short stories submitted in response to our Call for Fiction. These thoughtful stories examine the future of maritime security and war at sea. Authors creatively ...
Larry Bond, the creator of the naval wargame Harpoon and coauthor of Red Storm Rising, joins the program. Larry discusses how he got into wargaming and his experience running wargames in the U.S. Navy ...