Mario Draghi recently arrived at Palazzo Chigi for a meeting with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. The meeting was organized by ...
On March 27, 2024, the Italian legislature enacted reforms to attract new investors to the Italian capital markets and ...
A report on the “future of European competitiveness” has been received as a declaration of continental intent. Whether it can ...
Ursula von der Leyen announced an ambitious restructuring of her European Commission, adopting some of former European ...
Thousands of people demonstrated in Brussels on Monday in solidarity with the workers of a nearby Audi factory making electric vehicles that the German carmaker is considering shutting down amid ...
The protest was organized to show solidarity with employees at an Audi factory in Brussels facing potential job cuts as part ...
Following the trail of the U.S. will require more government intervention in industrial and trade policy.
Explores how the Draghi's report on competitiveness dismisses tokenization as a part of the solution. Europe must consider ...
A recent report released by the European Commission revealed that between June 2022 and June 2023, about two-thirds of the European Union (EU) ...
Former Goldman Sachs banker and European Central Bank President Mario Draghi’s report on how to improve European ...
Draghi is proposing a much more expensive and less well thought out version of the 2019 DiEM25 plan. Like the Bourbons, the ...
The European Union's competitiveness report released by Mario Draghi, a former European Central Bank chief, on Monday is ...