A new disease is plaguing cornfields across the Midwest. Phyllachora maydis is the fungus that causes a corn disease called ...
The amount of nitrogen fertilizer needed to maximize the profitability of corn production in the Midwest has been increasing ...
Ferrie details six agronomic factors to keep in mind, if you’re new to growing continuous corn, that can help you achieve ...
In some villages, nearly 70% of the population work in corn fields. As the industry’s byproduct ... is such a blessing. It gives us a chance to earn more, be financially independent and improve ...
A study from the University of Kentucky Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment offers fresh insights into ...
Every year the U.S. sells Mexico about $5 billion of genetically modified ... into pre-Hispanic temples and artists such as ...
An analysis of data covering 12 years and 10 U.S. Corn Belt states reveals that farmers suffer economic loss from the overuse of genetically engineered corn designed to combat rootworm pests.
An analysis of data covering 12 years and 10 U.S. Corn Belt states reveals ... Since then, farmers have extensively used "Bt corn" hybrids. Subsequently, multiple field studies have reported ...
Iowa's state and county parks, unique museums, natural attractions, historical sites, and rolling hills along the Mississippi ...
Feral hogs are a menace to farmers across the US, causing at least $2.5 billion in damage annually. There’s only one way to ...
Wildlife advocates say hunting Sandhill Cranes could hurt populations without solving the problem of crop damage. Meanwhile, ...