See 8 great campaign slogans » Back then, presidential candidates didn't actively campaign. In fact, Adams and Jefferson spent much of the election season at their respective homes in Massachusetts ...
When the election of 1800 produced no clear winner, the House of Representatives decided the outcome. It voted for Thomas Jefferson as president and Aaron Burr as vice president. Jefferson called his ...
1800, after ten of the rebels convicted of taking part in Gabriel's Conspiracy had been executed, Governor James Monroe wrote a letter to Vice President and fellow Virginian Thomas Jefferson.
Thomas Jefferson was a contradictory character ... as Adams was a Federalist and Jefferson a Republican. The election of 1800 was even more sordid. The partisan press of both parties was venomous ...
The new six-episode documentary series 'Thomas Jefferson' examines the third president's legacy of racism and his supposed early plan for emancipation GraphicaArtis/Getty Imagine a world where the ...
John Adams and Thomas Jefferson will always be linked ... had to be the years immediately following the nasty election of 1800. Abigail's famous exchange of letters with Jefferson in 1804 ...
The Declaration of Independence was off to the press, so Thomas Jefferson spent July 4, 1776, in search of a decent thermometer. By lunchtime, a breeze ruffled the red brick of Philadelphia’s ...
I n March 1801, after the deeply partisan presidential election of 1800, Thomas Jefferson rose in the U.S. Capitol to take the oath of office. He had participated vigorously in the partisan ...
Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln are two of the greatest presidents that the U.S. has seen. You probably know that ...
Directed by Jon Hirsch, the six-part docuseries Thomas Jefferson is a comprehensive look at the life of the Founding Father who was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence ...
With the aid of his clandestine patron Thomas Jefferson, Scottish "scandalmonger" James Callender launched a print campaign against President John Adams that would make the election of 1800 one ...
The Stage is Set: A Two-Party System Thomas Jefferson’s election in 1800 marked a significant ideological shift in the nation ...