Explore the lyrics of Taylor Swift's "So Long, London" and uncover the emotions behind her departure by understanding the story of change, & moving forward.
Michael J. Urick doesn’t consider himself a Swiftie. While he does appreciate some of Taylor Swift’s hit tunes, the Saint Vincent College faculty member has an even greater appreciation for the leader ...
Taylor Swift seemed to reach the height of her fame while on her Eras Tour, but she has been in the public eye since she was young. Swift signed a record deal as a teenager and has been putting out ...
Role Model put his spin on the Red (Taylor's Version) vault track about early 20s, late-night rumination with some peddle ...
The country duo, which consists of Kix Brooks and Ronnie Dunn, open up about what they told the 14-time Grammy winner, 35, ...
Bill Maher really needs to stop talking about Taylor Swift, as Swifties think he is "obsessed" with her boyfriends!
The iHeartRadio Music Awards 2025 will air an exclusive performance from opening night of The Eras Tour at State Farm Stadium ...
If you're wondering what exactly coworker music is, The FADER has our own definition. Read why Kendrick Lamar, Tate McCrae, and more are our picks.
Taylor Swift's song "22" was released on March 12, 2013, as the fourth single off of her Red album. Now, following the Eras World Tour, the track is more beloved than ever.
Join San Antonio Swifties in making friendship bracelets for Make-A-Wish families at their March 12 event. Volunteers welcome ...
The award lands the Blake High School grad in the same company as Taylor Swift, SZA, Lady Gaga and Karol G. The news arrives ...
Fans are convinced that they hear Taylor Swift's vocals on Lady Gaga's new album 'Mayhem.' Swift has not confirmed her work ...