The author worked for years on her chosen strategy to divert her children from the damaging pursuit of screens and social ...
The NWS Los Angeles/Oxnard CA issued a high surf advisory at 5:10 a.m. on Friday in effect until Saturday at 11 a.m. for ...
The reservation extension will “provide more opportunities for more campers to experience a night in a state park, and it ...
If you’re traveling to the beach in North or South Carolina, you’ll want to know what you can and cannot take with you for ...
Spring had not sprung when Surf City Councilman Peter Hartney announced earlier this month that the borough had just 107 left of 1,000 holiday beach badges for sale. Whether the dash to snatch up the ...
ThThis high school surf club offers students in the landlocked borough of Lodi, New Jersey, the opportunity to learn and experience surfing at the largest indoor wave pool in the American Dream Mall.
Renting a beach house this summer? It’s a wonderful way to spend your family vacation, whether you go for two weeks or a long ...
Find a camp that specializes in swimming, surfing, stand-up paddleboarding, rowing or sailing or sign your kid up for a ...
Here are 10 summer destinations, including six around the Jersey Shore, for unforgettable outdoor adventures and relaxing ...
Driedger produced a documentary film about a California-based roller hockey league with one of the most unique backstories in ...
JERSEY is the stunning Channel Island that some have even compared to the Caribbean and its one of the warmest places in ...
Visitors can play mini-golf or try amusements like bumper boats and an aerial obstacle course. Also located within the park, ...