Without protective gear, looking directly at an eclipse can cause serious damage or scarring to the eyes. “Solar retinopathy ...
Early Friday morning, a total lunar eclipse flushed the moon red and clear skies in Lincoln allowed for a perfect view.
While parts of the Earth saw a total lunar eclipse, the Blue Ghost lunar lander captured stunning imagery of a solar eclipse on Friday. See the rare view here.
Blood moon puts on grand display over Omaha metro area Joe Dejka Like a Big Red pizza pie. Omahans who stayed up late for the total lunar eclipse feasted on a satisfying treat. Perfect weather made ...
OPD releases new data indicating both total and violent crime are down. READ THE FULL STORY:Viewers share photos, videos of ...
Sometimes sleep takes priority over cool celestial events. Luckily, you can catch a partial solar eclipse this month and a ...
For those who stayed up late enough to see the total lunar eclipse, congratulations! Wondering when the next solar eclipse is ...
A total lunar eclipse was visible across the U.S. That occurs when the earth is between the sun and the moon and all three bodies are on the same plane of orbit. The sun casts the earth’s shadow onto ...
If you miss this one, the next total lunar eclipse visible from Nebraska will be on March 3, 2026. The last total lunar eclipse visible in the Americas was in November of 2022. Nebraska head coach ...
Highlight of the month March 29: On the final Saturday of the month, a partial solar eclipse will peak at around 7 a.m. in the D.C. area. If you are viewing the eclipse with others, especially ...
Here’s the personal asset he prizes above all others — and how you can take advantage of it Nebraska toddler named ‘Unakite Thirteen Hotel’ finally gets social security number after father ...