Simon Harris is on track to become the next leader ... but I can remember the arrival of my brother, Adam, four years later. “I am really lucky that I have a great family and I am really close ...
When he takes over the office of Taoiseach on April 9, Simon Harris will have a small circle of support around him, including his parents, his brother and sister, his wife Caoimhe, and a group of ...
Once known as the 'Baby of the Dáil' at 37 years old, Simon Harris is set to become ... Simon always had a somewhat flair for campaigning. When brother Adam was diagnosed with autism, Simon ...
READ MORE: Simon Harris says he 'doesn't fear Sinn Fein ... Asked by the Irish Mirror if the controversy surrounding his brother Rory’s role in the RTÉ Toy Show the Musical had taken its ...
Simon Harris was confirmed as the new leader of ... was 15 years old and mentioned his activism on behalf of his younger brother, Adam, who was diagnosed with autism. When he was 15, he gave ...
Simon Harris' parents have opened up about the alternative ... Simon has two younger siblings - sister Gemma and brother Adam. Adam, who has Asperger’s syndrome, went on to become the founder ...
Simon Harris was born in October 1986 to a taxi ... He is the eldest of three children, and his younger brother Adam is autistic. Harris as a teenager began lobbying local politicians for autism ...