These forums will be at 5:30 p.m. on March 5 at the Sault Area High School library and at 5:30 p.m. on March 10 at the Sault Area Middle School library. Information about the plan will also be ...
The board of education meeting scheduled for Monday will be moved to Sault Area High School and will also be streamed through Teams.
Collapse Cause: Roof collapse at Sault Area Middle School likely caused by snow, high winds The school moved to distance learning last week after part of the building's roof caved in, flooding ...
Previous story: Roof collapse at Sault Area Middle School likely caused by snow, high winds It happened just after midnight on Saturday, devastating the e-sports room, mainly used after school.
SAULT STE. MARIE - After two weeks of Sault Area Middle School being closed due to a partial roof collapse, there is some good news for students and parents after a special school board meeting ...
Negaunee and Sault Ste Marie will face off on Saturday, Feb. 22, at 2 p.m. ET. Don't miss out on any of the action with NFHS Network. The NFHS Network gives you access to live high school sports ...