an ordinary guy who takes on the extraordinary role of Santa Claus after an unexpected series of events. The charming Christmas movie inspired a three-film series that has solidified its spot as ...
It's the perfect season to cozy up with a warm cup of hot chocolate, a comfy blanket – and your favorite holiday movie. For many, the Santa Clause series is a must-watch during this festive time.
It's the perfect season to cosy up with a hot chocolate, a warm blanket and enjoy your favourite Christmas film - and for many, the Santa Clause series is a must-watch. Tim Allen - famed for his ...
Elizabeth Mitchell also stars. Released in 2006, the third installment in the Santa Clause series is all about married life. Scott (Allen) and his wife Carol (Mitchell) are expecting a baby!
questioned another stunned individual in the comments. One other wrote: "Oh my gosh this makes so much sense now in the Santa Clause series they say they chose him, they was always there." ...
If you consider franchises alone, “The Santa Clause” series is an extremely lucrative holiday movie franchise overall, with its three films collectively generating more than $365 million at ...