Monthly housing payments have reached an all-time high, discouraging buyers as spring selling season gets underway.
After years of poor decision-making, the federal government’s $1.64 trillion student loan program is in critical condition.
Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process.
The U.S. Department of Education unlocks income-driven repayment plans after a month-long blanket freeze that left millions ...
In 2023, Hirbod took steps to further stabilize the hotel’s finances through the sale of the 264-room southern tower.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau wants to return a $105,000 penalty it collected last fall when it resolved a ...
Student-loan borrowers looking to get into affordable repayment plans are now able to apply after weeks of limbo. Still, advocates are concerned it could be weeks or months before borrowers will ...
The Fed has ended a brief cycle of rate cuts, but the consistency shown by policymakers is likely making it easier to price ...
I head to San Diego for MCT Exchange 2025, and my email has been heating up. “Rob, are you hearing about a big jump in lock ...
New Jersey's congressional delegation must vote "no" on provisions that would overturn consumer financial protections.
Preapprovals usually expire after 90 days, says DiBugnara, so ask your lender how long yours will be good for. If you’re a ...