Finding high-quality essay examples that actually help students improve their writing is tricky. Free essay databases?
A growing petition urges Hamline University leaders to reconsider cuts to the creative writing program and a literary journal ...
The dual publication model for research involves creating two versions of a research paper: one for fellow academics, and one ...
Albertsons Library is pleased to bring you a trial of Academic Writer, an APA style writing platform. This tool can support ...
Discover the 6 best essay writing tools for students! Enhance your writing with these top choices for efficiency and quality.
In California, there are designated English Language Development classes, but English language development is also integrated into every subject. Strategies designed to enhance English literacy are ...
Good writing is the product of ... Plagiarism is against the rules of academic institutions and is dishonest. It can jeopardize or even terminate your academic career. Why run that risk when your ...
As you progress in your academic career, you’ll need to switch between different types of writing. Remember that each type has its purpose and audience. What works in an essay might not work in ...
The Pricing: PaperHelp’s pricing completely depends on what academic level and quality you’re writing for. Costs range anywhere from $13/page for a high school paper to $23/page for ...
An unofficial PhD Thesis template for pdflatex, lualatex and xelatex for the Technical University of Berlin. The pdf-files are following the PDF/A-1b standard. The daily life of a PhD student may ...