Once the visa is approved, the couple can travel to the United States and must tie the knot within 90 days of their arrival.
The highest concentrations of undocumented immigrants in Midwest states are in cities with "sanctuary" policies.
From visa revocations to deportations, DHS and ICE are harnessing AI to track social media activity, raising alarms about ...
An immigration expert says visa policies in Canada attract foreigners, who then illegally enter the United States via the ...
U.S. embassies in Europe have recently given stark warnings to visa seekers amid the Trump administration’s crackdown on ...
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said it is pausing review of green card applications for some refugees and asylees, ...
"Foreign nationals who promote extremist ideologies or carry terrorist propaganda are inadmissible to the U.S.," a CBP ...
There’s not even been an independent finding that these people are non-Americans. For all we know, they could be just like ...
The Trump administration has quietly paused the processing of green card applications filed by certain individuals, including ...