Tears poured out of Caden Sullivan and head coach CJ Neely. The emotions were too much to contain. Franklin finally reached ...
As Patrick Madden made his way to the locker room at Tsgonas Center, his coach stopped him in the hallway to tell Madden how ...
The photo showed a row of students in T-shirts that spelled out the N-word — drawing outrage from parents and other students.
I’ve got close to 1,000 options,” said tournament director for basketball Jim Quatromoni regarding 417 teams playing at ...
Franklin's Caden Sullivan and Newton North's Teagan Swint played on the same AAU team and are great friends. They'll play for ...
The Wildcats took their swings at Renaissance Wednesday night in the D-V Final Four but came up short as the Phoenix will ...
NEWPORT — North Country Supervisory Union (NCSU) science leaders recently announced the winners of the third annual North ...
The Pittsfield girls get started tonight in Worcester against St. Mary's of Lynn. The Hoosac Valley and Lee girls, Taconic, ...
Central Catholic never trailed, but the hosts had to fight for every inch as they held on for a 49-45 victory in front of a ...
The capacity crowd of over 2,000 fans at Central Catholic was glued to the action as soon as shots started flying in the gym.
Chris Reynolds, the assistant principal and a teacher at Liberty Common High School, named one of 45 winners nationally of a ...
Students at Londonderry High School were released early Friday because of concerns over structural issues with the gym roof.