While at Waimea Canyon, be sure to pop over to the equally stunning Koke'e State Park. What makes Koke'e Park so interesting is that despite being right next to Waimea Canyon, the park has a ...
Hiking in Hawaii is even better if you choose to live in one of the many Hawaiian towns for hikers; for example, Waimea, Kaua'i, offers hiking in Waimea Canyon & Koke'e State Park, showcasing ...
The state Department of Land and Natural Resources is leaning toward charging only nonresidents a fee for entering the Koke‘e and Waimea State Park complex, Kaua‘i’s flagship state park.
U.S. News Insider Tip: For a low-effort wow moment, drive past Waimea Canyon in Koke'e State Park and stop at the Kalalau Lookout for a glimpse of the glorious Napali Coast and Kalalau Valley some ...