On the left is a replica of a torture box with nails in which an inmate was placed and shaken to inflict pain. On the right ...
Japan’s Commitment to Sanctions Japan has reaffirmed its decision to maintain strict sanctions against Russia in response to ...
Japan and South Korea’s 2024 trade surpluses with the U.S. amounted to $68.5 billion and $66 billion each, just ahead of ...
The trilateral cooperation alongside US nuclear strategic assets deployed on the peninsula and US-led nuclear war simulation ... US and Japan announced at the summit regarding the Korean Peninsula ...
Working in communications, Staff Sgt. Paul Martin would see the end of the Korean War firsthand, serving in Japan and Korea ...
I think I stopped the war.” During a Fox News interview broadcast on Jan ... The statement said the U.S. and Japan also ...
You may wonder why the South Korean people are not as worried about the military threats from North Korea as we in America and Europe seem to be. Many Koreans have a long view of history and ...
"We express grave concern over the U.S. dangerous hostile military act that can lead the acute military confrontation in the region around the Korean peninsula to an actual armed force conflict ...
I think I stopped the war.” During a Fox News interview ... the U.S. and Japan also affirmed the importance of the Japan-U.S.-South Korean trilateral partnership in responding to North Korea.