Acmetonia Elementary School student Maverick Gniewkowski was surprised when he learned that there are 86,000 miles worth of ...
Find a camp that specializes in swimming, surfing, stand-up paddleboarding, rowing or sailing or sign your kid up for a ...
The budding scientists collected the tiny water bears in a massive citizen science project that involved almost 30,000 ...
"Traditional" Florida elementary schools here now offering robotics, aviation and community gardens in an effort to boost ...
This common garden staple does more than just look pretty. It can also help get rid of mosquitoes at the source, and is a ...
The interplay between cortisol, inflammation, and disease underscores the need for effective stress management to enhance health and prevent chronic conditions.
Gov. Tim Walz declared the COVID-19 pandemic a peacetime emergency. Five years later, Minnesotans look back on the early days ...
Jensen Beach Elementary is creating an eco-friendly school and school of ecology and gardening with ... Students at each grade level learn about gardening during teacher-led physical education ...
Deep-sea anglerfishes represent an evolutionary radiation that has thrived in an extremely resource-poor and dark environment. Pelagic anglerfishes originated from a benthic ancestor, after which ...
Pismo clams, once abundant along the California coast, are being grown and studied in a middle school classroom.
Tallahassee area camps help fill the bill with art, nature, theater, sports, music and other camps. Check out the lineup of ...