A greenish frog slightly larger than a quarter and donning a black Zorro mask recently started begging female frogs to have sex.
As I wrote last week, as spring unfolds, the avian chorus grows, but it won't reach its full volume until mid-May when the ...
"The main challenge in locating it was the lack of precision in the description of its type locality." Researchers stunned ...
At 64 and 60 years old, Antoinette and Brucie-Baby are thin and bony. Their skin hangs looser than it did in their youth, but ...
Spring migration is underway at Crossroads, and we are excited to share this seasonal marvel with the community.
Everyday citizens recording frog calls on their phones have helped with a scientific breakthrough - the frog known ...
"It's a toad central buzz-point," said Suzie Phillips, co-founder of the ToadNUTS conservation group that has been rescuing and protecting the endangered Western Leopard Toad in Noordhoek and ...
There upwards of 3,700 species of spiders in the United States, and more than 500 of these live in Illinois, according to the ...
The elusive frog Alsodes vittatus has been found after 130 years, emphasizing gaps in knowledge and conservation needs in ...
In the late ‘80s, crawfish frogs mysteriously disappeared from the Angel Mounds State Historic Site in Vanderburgh County. Regionally, they’re a species of "greatest conservation need." ...