The rich resources of Pacific kelp forests helped humans populate the Americas. Now depleted by as much as 95 percent, they ...
Tiny, cold-blooded animals like flies depend on their environment to regulate body temperature, making them ideal "canaries ...
New research suggests that humans inhabited the rainforests of West Africa roughly 150,000 years ago, providing new insights ...
This research may help predict how climate change will impact insect distribution and behavior. Tiny cold-blooded animals ...
By far the oldest evidence of humans living in dense forests comes from a site in Ivory Coast, where stone tools and plant remains reveal a human presence stretching back 150,000 years ...
"Flies have the same neurotransmitters we do," Sousa Neves said. "The ability to make decisions is not just a privilege of humans." Such connections between fruit flies and humans offer a reminder of ...
Outwardly, fruit flies and humans have little in common. It is all the more astonishing that roughly 60 percent of the fly's genes can also be found in humans in a similar form. Many insights gained ...
Chimpanzees have protective genetic adaptations against malaria, according to a new study that could provide important insights into developing more effective malaria vaccines for humans.