Michigan's spring severe weather season is just starting. Here's what you should know about weather alerts and meanings.
More than 800,000 acres of land across these SoCal counties have been classified under the highest fire hazard severity zone ...
In a worst-case tsunami, parts of Alameda, Oakland and Berkeley could be flooded up to an 18-foot elevation, California officials said in new study.
The risk of flooding from a major tsunami may be greater than many realized along Monterey County's coastline, California officials said in new study.
According to FEMA, 90% of Pascagoula flooded during Katrina. Neighboring communities — including Ocean Springs, Moss Point, ...
An year's worth of rain could fall over western Queensland this week, producing widespread flooding that could last for ...
The risk of flooding from a major tsunami may be greater than many realized along California’s coastline, state officials ...
More communities than previously thought could be impacted by a tsunami resulting from a large earthquake off the California ...