“The rock, from which the water came, and the manna were symbolic of supernatural sustenance through Christ, the bread of ...
At a Senate confirmation hearing for Mike Huckabee, nominated by President Donald Trump as the next U.S. ambassador to Israel ...
New archeological evidence adds to the historical truth, as well as the spiritual truth, of the Bible. Excavations beneath ...
Around 30 people gathered on Sunday to dedicate the new home of First Church of Christ, Scientist in Loveland and celebrate ...
Faith Episcopal Church, 1437 Southwest Parkway: The Faith Episcopal Church, formerly the Episcopal Church in Wichita Falls, ...
The American Bible Society’s recently released “State of the Bible 2024” report offers a comprehensive analysis of current ...
On Mothering Sunday, we can remember the famous mothers of the Bible. Many of these mothers played an important role not only ...
The Church of England is one step closer to appointing its first female Archbishop of Canterbury now that the Bishop of ...
The Church Events calendar is a free service provided by The Robesonian. Please send your church events to Executive Editor David Kennard at [email protected].
The church is located at 1202 E. Fifth St. Services are at 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sermons are posted at apcgi.org/Live and also viewable on the church’s Facebook page. Activities: Nehemiah Men’s Bible ...
Area houses of worship are invited to share their news for our free weekly listings. Email information to Mercury Editor Tony ...
Join us from 6pm to 8pm every week for community night. Refreshments served. For more information: 732-1559; bermudaicc.com.