It can help take pressure off of spinal discs and nerves. A simple way to support your neck while sleeping is to use a cervical roll. A cervical roll, also known as a neck roll or cervical pillow, is ...
This is called a cervical myelopathy and surgery is recommended. Often, a procedure is performed to close the space that’s left when the disc is removed and restore the spine to its original length.
There are several benefits to this type of surgery. Motion preservation: Disc arthroplasty is also called "motion preservation spine surgery." Some cervical radiculopathy surgeries generally involve ...
By studying respiratory plasticity in the brain and spinal cord after CSCI, we hope to guide future clinical work. Figure 1. Anatomy and function of respiratory muscles in health and patients with ...
Nature Research Intelligence Topics enable transformational understanding and discovery in research by categorising any document into meaningful, accessible topics. Read this blog to understand ...
Nearly 10% of adults will experience some form of severe neck pain in any given calendar year. Most cases of neck pain have multiple causes, such as inflamed (swollen) muscles, ligaments, joints or ...
However, in our experience we have found the anatomy of the cervical carotid to be highly variable. If not appreciated, this may result in unexpectedly high variability in the severity of ischemic ...
Purpose: Inverse-dynamics (ID) analysis is an approach widely used for studying spine biomechanics and the estimation of muscle forces. Despite the increasing structural complexity of spine models, ID ...