Some cities had fewer acres in the very high risk designation, but most of the region had more high risk acreage.
California's bridges are following a countrywide trend in that more repairs and maintenance are being required on thousands of aging structures.
Statistics accompanying the recommended Tulare County map show unincorporated areas of the county include 21,908 acres with a ...
After a string of discouraging rulings for other cities, a court upheld NYC's efforts to decarbonize its buildings.
While some Redding residents worry about losing fire insurance coverage, the state recently release new fire hazard severity ...
A prominent group of academics and real estate industry experts has crafted a far-reaching plan to hasten the recovery of Los ...
After a string of discouraging rulings for other cities, a court upheld NYC's efforts to decarbonize its buildings.
With a few notable areas where the orange and red tide receded, like the hills above Berkeley and Oakland, territory deemed ...
With a few notable areas where the orange and red tide receded, like the hills above Berkeley and Oakland, territory deemed ...
More than 800,000 acres of land across these SoCal counties have been classified under the highest fire hazard severity zone ...
Cal Fire said the maps are proactive, to be used in wildland-urban interface building standards for new construction and ...