Two months after a deadly shooting at Antioch High, teachers and staff were honored for their bravery at a Nashville school board meeting.
Niwot High School choirs traveled to Orlando, Florida, on Mar. 13 to compete at Festival Disney, an all Disney-produced music ...
Five years after the start of the COVID shutdown, The Class, a new documentary series airing on KQED, explores how six seniors at Deer Valley High School in Antioch tackled those questions. Produced ...
Pictured is the combined choir from East and West Middle Schools performing on stage at Deer Creek High School. Katie Nichols is directing and Chad Keilman is the piano accompanist. (Photo credit: ...
Following the deadly shooting at Antioch High School, a lawmaker is seeking to unseal juvenile records of court proceedings, mental health issues, and interactions with the Department of Children ...
Some juvenile court and mental health records of deceased school shooters in Tennessee could become public under a new proposal from a top Republican lawmaker. Following the deadly shooting at Antioch ...