Everyone knows Antarctica is cold and icy, but what's underneath the ice has been a mystery. Scientists used six decades' ...
Subglacial water in Antarctica reshapes sea level rise predictions and reveals ancient drainage flow patterns.
Scientists using a submersible robot discovered patterns under the Antarctic ice that have never been seen before by humans.
Melting on the Antarctic Ice Sheet for the 2024 to 2025 season began with above average melt extents in all regions, but melt ...
A team of international scientists compiled decades of data to create a map showing the topography of Antarctica with the ice ...
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There are about 10,000 scientists stationed in Antarctica during the summer but, in the harsh winter, that number drops to ...
The foul stench of penguin poop sets Antarctic krill on edge. In lab experiments, the mere scent of penguin droppings — or guano — sent krill scrambling for escape, researchers report March 20 in ...
The World Meteorological Organisation’s State of the Global Climate 2024 report also highlights three years of record glacier loss, record air and ocean temperatures, the highest atmospheric CO levels ...
A new detailed map of Antarctica is set to significantly improve predictions of how ice flows and melts in response to climate change,  say the scientists behind the project.  The map, called Bedmap3, ...
The isolated Antarctic base that hit the headlines after a research team member was accused of assaulting a colleague is ...
One researcher at an isolated base in Antarctica fears they may be the next target of a colleague who allegedly made a threat to kill ...