In 1938, the director of the Signal Corps Laboratories at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, Col. Roger B. Colton, transformed ...
Dexed FM synthesizer similar to 8x DX7 (TX816/TX802) running on a bare metal Raspberry Pi (without a Linux kernel or operating system) ...
leading to bandwidth expansion of the AM/PM outputs. This becomes particularly problematic as baseband signal bandwidths increase to support higher data-rates, making it challenging to implement ...
The Frequency Modulation Combined (FMC) waveform has delay (range)-Doppler (velocity) coupling resolution, and the traditional nonlinear high-resolution algorithms represented by Point-wise Product ...
NASDAQ AMPL opened at $12.59 on Monday. Amplitude has a 12 month low of $7.37 and a 12 month high of $14.88. The stock’s fifty day moving average price is $11.62 and its 200-day moving average ...
Amplitude stock opened at $12.82 on Monday. Amplitude has a 1 year low of $7.37 and a 1 year high of $14.88. The company has a market cap of $1.21 billion, a PE ratio of -16.65 and a beta of 1.37 ...
Amplitude stock fell slightly after its Q4 earnings ... I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha).