FAUN canta pe 3 decembrie la FORM Space, in Cluj-Napoca iar urmatoarea zi, pe 4 decembrie, la Quantic din Bucuresti. In ...
Persoanele cu probleme de ordin medical trebuie sa aiba asupra lor dovezi clare pentru a putea intra la concert cu ...
Cate postere ar putea avea un fan al muzicii rock in camera sa? Cateva? Zeci? Sute? Indiferent de cantitate, posterele raman o lucrare de arta creativa inspirate de identitatile unice ale muzicienilor ...
Red Hot Chili Peppers Green Heaven The Red Hot Chili Peppers This is my first tab, so it may be inaccurate. I cant figure out the solo, but the rest is here. Intro e|-----|0x-0--0x-0--0-0-----| B ...
W.A.S.P. este o trupa americana de heavy metal, formata in 1982. Fromatia are parte de un succes enorm inca de la inceputul carierei, in special datorita imaginii shock rock, precum si a prestatiilor ...
Come with me Into the trees We'll lay on the grass And let the hours pass Take my hand Come back to the land Let's get away Just for one day Let me see you Stripped down to the bone Let me see you ...
Song: On A Plain Artist: Nirvana Album: Nevermind Members: Kurt Cobain (1967-1994): Vocals & Guitar Krist Novoselic: Bass Guitar (& Vocals) Dave Grohl: Drums (& Vocals) May Kurt Cobain rest in peace.
The yellow raven sipped the air Of thunder and of rain ... The yellow raven sipped the air Gentle eyes kissing the rain ... Where do you go, fantastic dreambird? Take me away to somewhere Take me away ...
Exista locuri pe Pamant care sunt mai inspaimantatoare decat orice priveliste extraterestra. Unele din ele par desprinse din filmele thriller si horror la care ne uitam adesea. Locuri care iti ...
Pop Goes my Heart Hugh Grant tabbed by: mojokat2x Intro: G-A-B-A(power chords) Verse: G-A-B-A(repeat and repeat) never thought that I could be so satisfied, Everytime that I look in your angel eyes. A ...
Poti sa-mi tot ce-am mai scump pe lume Poti sa-mi iei zilele, noptile sau anii de vrei Sa ma lasi singur intr-un loc anume De unde sa nu pot vreodata sa ma intorc la ai mei Dar sa nu-mi iei niciodata ...
Ich geh in Flammen auf- Rosenstolz Original: Capo on 2nd feet Intro C a e F 2x 1. verse C a Manchmal sind die Dinge gar nicht so, e F G Wie man sichs vorgestellt, hat sondern besser. C a Manchmal ist ...