Yesterday Tuesday a crowd of people attended the talk-colloquium entitled 'Neurodiversity in the world of work' in the Sala ...
Do you want to give a different approach to your meals? El Greco Bistrot, known for its fusion of Greek and Mediterranean ...
The Councillor for Culture, Raúl García de la Reina, has today accompanied the Ojos Rojos team, formed by its directors, Mili ...
Yesterday, Tuesday, the Dénia Retirement and Pensioners' Home paid tribute to its longest-standing members at an event held ...
The DBC Senior Men's team, led by Carlos Vila, began a new season by returning to a category in which it had not played for ...
Ayer martes una multitud de personas asistió a la charla-coloquio titulada 'La neurodiversidad en el mundo laboral' en la ...
Ahir dimarts una multitud de persones va assistir a la xerrada-col·loqui titulada 'La neurodiversitat al món laboral' a la ...
Ayer martes una multitud de personas asistió a la charla-coloquio titulada 'La neurodiversidad en el mundo laboral' en la ...
Сегодня советник по культуре Рауль Гарсиа де ла Рейна сопровождал команду Охос Рохо, состоящую из ее директоров Мили Санчес и ...
Vandaag vergezelde wethouder Cultuur, Raúl García de la Reina, het team van Ojos Rojo, bestaande uit de directeuren Mili ...
Aujourd'hui, le conseiller à la Culture, Raúl García de la Reina, a accompagné l'équipe d'Ojos Rojo, composée de ses ...
L'assessore alla Cultura, Raúl García de la Reina, ha accompagnato oggi la squadra di Ojos Rojo, composta dai suoi direttori, ...