With the approach of fall and cooler weather across the United States, officials say the risk posed by the H5N1 bird flu ...
When you’re making a purchase at a store’s checkout counter, you may be invited to sign up for the retailer’s store card and ...
Pyrocumulus clouds form over intense heat sources, like raging wildfires or volcano eruptions. The air above such intense ...
You’ve got your daily skin care, hair care and grooming rituals down to a tee, but what about your oral hygiene routine? Like ...
Former President Donald Trump has returned to a time-honored tradition of his: citing junk online polls to claim he was the clear winner of a presidential debate that scientific polls found he lost.
American Lael Wilcox has broken the world record for the fastest woman to cycle around the world, traversing 21 countries and 18,125 miles in three and a half months.
Railcars once filled with hustling commuters in the city of Atlanta are now 65 feet below the Atlantic Ocean filled with ...
Kamala Harris just roasted her opponent on national television. After months of anticipation, the world’s biggest pop star finally endorsed her. She is swimming in a veritable ocean of cash.
As Donald Trump mingled and posed for pictures with fire fighters on Wednesday – one of several stops to observe the anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the United States – a ...
Trying to build credit can be frustrating when you’re starting from scratch or recovering from past financial struggles. You ...
Getting a home equity line of credit (HELOC) on an investment property is possible, but not all HELOC lenders offer it. As a ...
The Harris campaign is launching a new abortion-focused ad Thursday, capitalizing on what officials believe was one of the ...