Detailed and comprehensive, Export Compliance Daily delivers the perfect mix of strategic developments and operational changes that allows export compliance professionals to understand what has ...
The House of Representatives plans to vote on several export control-related bills next week, including the Remote Access Security Act, which is designed to close a loophole that has allowed China to ...
Detailed and comprehensive, Export Compliance Daily delivers the perfect mix of strategic developments and operational changes that allows export compliance professionals to understand what has ...
After initially facing scrutiny for helping to facilitate Russia-related transactions, Cypriot banks have made significant progress in improving their compliance programs in recent months and are now ...
Detailed and comprehensive, Export Compliance Daily delivers the perfect mix of strategic developments and operational changes that allows export compliance professionals to understand what has ...
Detailed and comprehensive, Export Compliance Daily delivers the perfect mix of strategic developments and operational changes that allows export compliance professionals to understand what has ...
Congress should consider encouraging greater use of export controls and sanctions to counter a recent surge in the repression of political dissent abroad, hearing witnesses told the Senate Foreign ...
Detailed and comprehensive, Export Compliance Daily delivers the perfect mix of strategic developments and operational changes that allows export compliance professionals to understand what has ...
Since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, “we’ve had a regular cadence of trace requests,” which involves scrutinizing photographs of chips recovered from Russian arms and researching manufacturing dates, ...
Export Compliance Daily is providing readers with the top stories from last week in case you missed them. You can find any article by searching for the title or by clicking on the hyperlinked ...
The Bureau of Industry and Security could use more export enforcement agents abroad and better analytical tools to track illegal shipments, said Matthew Axelrod, the agency’s top export enforcement ...