Younger men have gotten better at some aspects of taking care of their health — but they still vape and smoke at higher rates ...
With the dream of homeownership becoming more elusive for Millennials and Gen Z, real estate investment trusts (REITs) emerge ...
To afford a home in many American cities, first-time buyers increasingly need to be wealthy or rely on family help, and they ...
Mortality stalks the edges of a 20th high school reunion in “The Comeuppance” by D.C. native Branden Jacobs-Jenkins, now at ...
Millennials are wealthier than ever, according to a new report, which may come as a shock to the general population. Critics ...
Data shows that splitting home ownership is on the rise, and could even be the new normal as younger generations navigate the ...
As the cost of homeownership increases, more young adults are turning to co-buying homes with friends or moving into multi-generational households.
Adding annuities to their employer-sponsored retirement plans was most appealing to Generation X and millennials, cited by 68 ...
Raising a child in the U.S. costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. Many younger Americans say they can't afford it.
This becomes especially important in view of the fact that millennials remain well behind previous generations when it comes ...
Gen Z and Millennial listeners are driving the growing popularity of spoken word audio content, despite misconceptions.
Millennials in Las Vegas hoping to buy a home might consider leaving town. The city has one of the lowest rates of millennial ...