Anti-government fighters pose Friday in one of Hama's water wheels, after they captured the central Syrian city a day earlier. (Bakr Al Kassem/AFP via Getty Images - image credit) Rebel forces ...
The message came on the Telegram channel of the rebel factions' joint operations room, after announcing the fighters had entered Hama "to cleanse the wound that has endured in Syria for 40 years". ...
(For a brief explainer of who’s who in Syria’s kaleidoscopic civil war, see here.) If you know “Hama,” it could be because you love medieval wooden water wheels – the city boasts some of ...
More than four decades ago, Hafez Assad, then president of Syria, launched what came to be known as the Hama Massacre. Between 10,000 to 40,000 people were killed or disappeared in the government ...
Hama is a major intersection point in Syria that links that country’s center with the north as well as the east and the west. It is about 200 kilometers (125 miles) north of the capital ...
More than four decades ago, Hafez Assad, then president of Syria, launched what came to be known as the Hama Massacre. Between 10,000 to 40,000 people were killed or disappeared in the government ...