Disgraced actor Armie Hammer is set to return to the big screen with a leading role in Uwe Boll’s upcoming vigilante thriller ...
What happens when you cross the worst filmmaker of all-time with a disgraced actor in a knock-off Batman movie?
Armie Hammer plays a vigilante who sets out to hunt down criminals in Uwe Boll’s latest thriller, which starts shooting in Croatia this month.
Michael Madsen has made some stinkers in his day, but it's hard to argue that the film he identified as the worst of his ...
Kai Höss, grandson of Rudolf Höss, Auschwitz-Birkenau's commandant, vocally opposes anti-Semitism and anti-Israel protests, actively working to foster understanding in light of his grandfather ...
On the 80th anniversary of Auschwitz’s liberation next month, a solemn occasion to honour the survivors and remember the millions slaughtered in the Holocaust, one notable figure will be missing ...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is reportedly considering not attending next month's 80th-anniversary commemoration of the liberation of Auschwitz, citing concerns over the possibility ...
Wenn der Odenwälder Timo Boll am Sonntag (15.30 Uhr) mit Borussia Düsseldorf gegen Aufsteiger Borussia Dortmund antritt, ist die Halle ausverkauft. Düsseldorf zieht für die Partie ins ...
Die Abschiedstour des deutschen Tischtennisstars Timo Boll beschert einigen Bundesligisten bislang unbekannte Zuschauerzahlen. Wenn der 43-jährige Boll am Sonntag (15.30 Uhr) mit Borussia ...
Die Abschiedstour des deutschen Tischtennisstars Timo Boll beschert einigen Bundesligisten bislang unbekannte Zuschauerzahlen. Wenn Boll (43) am Sonntag (15.30 Uhr/Dyn) mit Borussia Düsseldorf ...
"Damals dachte ich: Wenn es gut läuft, werde ich mal ein solider Bundesliga-Spieler – und mit Ende 20 ist dann Schluss", sagte Timo Boll am Sonntagabend im exklusiven "Blickpunkt Sport"-Interview.
Henri Borlant was 15 when he was arrested in France in 1942, forced onto a cattle car and deported with his father and two of his siblings to Auschwitz, the infamous Nazi killing center in ...