A group of experts has warned that blanket phone bans fail to prepare children for modern life in a digital world.
A clinical team has spearheaded the use of CAR-T cell therapy for blood cancers. The researchers recently treated the first ...
Parents aren't heeding the warnings, despite 49% being concerned for their children’s mental health, according to a new ...
Like airbags and crumple zones, various car safety technologies are mandatory on new cars. While airbags are considered ...
One of the strongest public opponents of IndyCar's move to hybrid technology is now a supporter, even though it cost his team ...
A combination approach to studying safety is part of Volvo's overall initiative to have its vehicles involved in zero auto ...
It’s an embrace of a technological solution to a national problem: Speeding contributes to more than 10,000 deaths a year.
NASA’s DRF helps machines from different sectors share data securely and make smarter decisions – turning everyday travel ...
The Alliance For Automotive Innovation wants quicker approval for vehicles without pedals or steering wheels, wants NHTSA to ...
GM, which has struggled with self-driving technology, has partnered with the leader in this technology, NVIDIA, to create ...
With six cyclorotors, the BlackBird from CycloTech is designed to take off and land vertically, move sideways, brake mid-air and even parallel park.
There's a new "exciting, small EV" on the way, to be launched early next year by Also, a spinoff of the electric vehicle ...