Explore the lyrics of Taylor Swift's "So Long, London" and uncover the emotions behind her departure by understanding the story of change, & moving forward.
Michael J. Urick doesn’t consider himself a Swiftie. While he does appreciate some of Taylor Swift’s hit tunes, the Saint Vincent College faculty member has an even greater appreciation for the leader ...
The 1975 star Matty Healy is said to be writing a new memoir exploring his life and times as a member of a hit boyband. This ...
Taylor Swift seemed to reach the height of her fame while on her Eras Tour, but she has been in the public eye since she was young. Swift signed a record deal as a teenager and has been putting out ...
Once upon a time, to be 'mainstream' was to rule the world of music. Today? Not so much. Today, mainstream music is just one ...
MAURA HIGGINS will launch her own podcast later this year and is in talks for a lifestyle show – so these may be chances to ...