Residents are urged to secure household items, maintain emergency kits, and participate in statewide drills such as the Great ...
Earthquakes occur when the rock on one side of a fault slips relative to the other. The fault surface can be vertical, ...
The Supreme Winner of this year’s Science New Zealand Awards is Grasslanz Technology, a subsidiary of AgResearch that has made a significant contribution to our economy and environment. The Supreme ...
The advice given when there’s a long and strong earthquake is to “get gone” because of the potential tsunami risk, but would ...
These landslides were triggered by great earthquakes along the country’s largest fault, the megathrust in the Hikurangi ...
During subduction, talc undergoes super-hydration to a 15 Å phase near 90 km depth under alkaline, saltwater conditions. This super-hydrated phase carries ~31 weight-% water, which can ...