An insect ecology professor at the University of Kentucky explored her research on how bacteria affects spider reproduction ...
There upwards of 3,700 species of spiders in the United States, and more than 500 of these live in Illinois, according to the ...
One of my students at Sheffield Hallam University sent me this stunning picture of a very large, and in the UK, very rare ...
Smaller and better-distributed yellow adhesive traps allow for better control of the olive fly population, according to a ...
Jerry Hollis took this photo in the mountains above the Valley of what appears to be a common crab spider (Xysticus cristatus ...
The brown recluse and black widow are the most common venomous spiders in the U.S. and Alabama. What are their habitats and ...
Georgia is home to several spider species, and some are venomous. What do they look like? How dangerous are they? What to do ...
As the weather grows warmer, more spiders will begin to appear. Here are the 10 venomous spiders in Louisiana and typical ...
A calliope hummingbird sits at a feeder with a bowl design and yellow decorations. Martina Nordstrand There are eight other ...
Georgia Department of Agriculture says residents should start watching out for yellow-legged hornets. Are these murder hornets? What to watch for.
A collaborative research involving the University of Kerala has reported the discovery of two new species of jumping spiders belonging ... which include a prominent yellow triangular-shaped ...