The tradition of tracking Santa Claus began accidentally in 1955, when a misprinted phone number in a Sears ad directed calls to CONAD. Colonel Shoup improvised, giving children Santa updates.
Santa Claus has ... dialed the unlisted phone number for the Continental Air Defense Command operations center in Colorado. The girl thought she was calling Santa Claus after seeing a promotion ...
(CNN) — While public anxieties have loomed over the Northeast amid possible drone sightings, one sighting will soon bring holiday cheer across the country: Santa Claus ... at 1-877-HI-NORAD ...
ATHENS — The crowd buzzes as an anticipated star of the show appears. Santa Claus waves to cheers as he makes his way up and down the aisles, shaking hands with adults and hugging kids as “Joy ...
Authorities in Florida are searching for a man dressed as Santa Claus after they say ... The sleigh must be in the shop, but last night Mr. Claus didn't pause for any cause. Anyone that recognizes ...
the concern is the lengths some parents go to in order to eke out the last bits of belief from their kids, such as denying their dawning suspicions as they get older over how Santa Claus could ...
Santa and Mrs. Claus took supersized rides to southeast Alaska this week in a C-17 military cargo plane and a camouflaged Humvee as they delivered toys to the Tlingit village of Yakutat ...
Yes, I am Santa Claus. Have you been a good boy?” Shoup said he learned from the boy’s mother that Sears mistakenly printed the top-secret number ... News Service story from Dec. 1, 1955 ...
I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, “If you see it in The Sun, it’s so.” Please tell me the truth; is there a Santa Claus? — Virginia O ...
RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Santa Claus has arrived in Rio de Janeiro — under water. Starting on Saturday, he’ll be spotted at AquaRio Marine Aquarium swimming with sharks during their daily fish ...