NEW PHILADELPHIA ‒ The lease on the U.S. Geological Survey field office in New Philadelphia has been terminated by the ...
The Tweed Forum's Eddleston Water project in the Scottish Borders has been recognised for its efforts to restore the degraded river and implement natural flood management strategies. The River ...
In a worst-case tsunami, parts of Alameda, Oakland and Berkeley could be flooded up to an 18-foot elevation, California officials said in new study.
The agency received $4.75 million, but city officials say more money is needed for a fleshed-out feasibility study to assess ...
The Lumber River, who’s headwaters are affectionately known as Drowning Creek, continues to draw my gaze. Lately, because of extremely high water flowing past Lumberton. The river usually flows at a ...
Interior Department employees say they have been scrambling to keep the lights on and do their jobs as budget cuts driven by ...
Members of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District’s Dam Safety Section recently completed the installation of a ...
Interior Department employees say they have been scrambling to keep the lights on and do their jobs as budget cuts driven by ...
U.S. Coast Guard icebreakers not currently expected to be called to break ice on the Kennebec River this spring. AUGUSTA — The risk of river flooding in Maine is below normal this spring but at ...
The largest office of the U.S. Geological Survey's New England Water Science Center is a modest, single-floor building in Northborough with offices, a warehouse and a lab. It looks like any ...