AI can help businesses charge you more based on how it evaluates your personal history and desires. California lawmakers want ...
Gender-based price discrimination is a problem that is frequently disregarded but impacts millions of consumers globally. The ...
"Allowing PBD’s proposed Sherman Act claim...would change the course of the underlying legal theories in this litigation in fundamental ways and entitle defendants to extensive and lengthy additional ...
Gavin Newsom may veto AI bills, which is probably part of the reason why a number of them focus on kitchen table issues like whether the tech can raise the price of eggs or housing. When you look ...
The convenience stores are seeking unspecified monetary damages and a court order stopping the alleged price discrimination. Walmart is not a defendant in either the FTC lawsuit or in the case ...
PepsiCo and its subsidiary Frito-Lay are facing a lawsuit initiated by two convenience stores in the US state of California for alleged price discrimination. Alqosh Enterprises (doing business as ...
The pink tax refers to the tendency for products marketed specifically toward women to be more expensive than those marketed ...
The Federal Trade Commission recently sued PepsiCo, Inc. alleging that the company engaged in illegal price discrimination by providing a large retailer with unfair pricing advantages in violation ...
Did you know that most online travel purchases are priced differently based on your geographical location, browsing history, ...
An FTC suit claims PepsiCo violated an Act which prohibits a seller from charging competing buyers different prices for the ...
As the Trump administration’s approach to antitrust takes shape through political appointments, policy statements, speeches, and enforcement ...