Humbug!’ entered popular usage, and everyone knows what it means to be called a Scrooge (even if they’ve never read the book) – a miserly grouch who believes that ‘Every idiot who goes about with ...
Scrooge inquires acerbically whether the tax-funded workhouses remain open. Assured that they are, he proclaims: “I don’t make merry myself at Christmas, and I can’t afford to make idle ...
Gentlemen” sings of a “Merry” that is just “pleasant.” In Charles Dickens’ classic “A Christmas Carol,” Ebenezer Scrooge’s response to that Merry greeting is an angry shout ...
On Christmas Eve he is visited by the ghost of his old business partner, Jacob Marley, who warns that he will be visited by three ghosts. Each of the ghosts shows him a scene that strikes fear and ...