I have reviewed in depth the last 30 presidential addresses to joint sessions of Congress for their use of humor and found major shifts in how Trump’s speech used humor and comedy. Trump’s ...
Courtney F., in Ohio Dear Heloise: You recently had a reader who asked about homeschooling. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to homeschool her two boys, but her husband felt she should. My mother ...
Pretend play with kids usually yields some funny moments. That's exactly what's happening with this mom and son as they play with some make-believe food. The adorable 2-year-old serves his mom some ...
There's a new trend on TikTok that's proving humor can come from unexpected — and sometimes dark — places. As of recent, people are participating in the "you're so funny" trend on the social ...
We all love bad jokes. And we'd argue knock knock jokes are exemplary. Part of what makes them so great is their performative nature: There's a volley between two people that requires ...
For almost two years, Utah has required parents who homeschool their children to sign an affidavit swearing they have never been convicted of child abuse. If you couldn’t do that, you couldn’t ...