Francis expressed concerns about the potential dangers of AI in a message to Global Summit on Artificial Intelligence in ...
The pope also spoke about the technology at the G7 summit in Italy last June, and said people should not let algorithms decide their destiny. The Vatican's new document, titled "Antica et nova ...
The pope also spoke about the technology at the G7 summit in Italy last June, and said people should not let algorithms decide their destiny. The Vatican's new document, titled "Antica et nova" ...
Speech by Michael O’Flaherty delivered at the PACE side-event “For a Permanent Platform on Interreligious and Inter-convictional Dialogue at the Council of Europe”, co-organised by the Committee for ...
The pope also spoke about the technology at the G7 summit in Italy last June, and said people should not let algorithms decide their destiny. The Vatican’s new document, titled Antica et Nova (Ancient ...