For decades, the world has kept time with the ticks of atomic clocks. But they could soon be ... Thorsten Schumm, another author, said: 'With this first prototype, we have proven: Thorium can ...
It’s been centuries since the first public clocks were built in towns, cities and settlements around the world. How do we know this? Well, it’s the clocks themselves that have helped us keep ...
Learn more about the study that links some physical and mental health issues to our awareness of global challenges.
The Doomsday Clock is a metaphor that represents how close humanity ... voices tracking man-made threats” in order to inform the public and the world at large. The first few Bulletins were ...
Once again, most Americans set their clocks forward by one hour this weekend, losing perhaps a bit of sleep but gaining more glorious sunlight in the evenings as the days warm into summer.
By moving clocks forward ... The time change was first instituted in the U.S. during World War I, and then reinstituted again during WW II, as a part of the war effort. During the Arab oil ...